AUSYD Nov072017 0005 Edit On our way getting ready for bed While waiting for our hotel room we took a walk through this Botanical Garden to the Opera House AUNZ 20171103 1324 IMG 8155 : Francisco Valladares AUNZ 20171103 1326 AUNZ 20171103 1335
Our first Kukaburro AUNZ 20171103 1347 Francisco with the Quay ("key") and city behind him Our first view of the Opera House.  It was a drizzly day First sighting of the Harbor Bridge We will climb the Harbor bridge later in the week Francisco in our hotel room On a walk to St. Mary's Cathedral
On a walkabout to St. Mary's Cathedral we passed this boar.  It's supposed to be good luck if you rub its nose Hyde Park in front of St. Mary's Cathedral AUNZ 20171104 1210 The Archibald Fountain by French sculptor Francois Sicard, commemorates the association between Australia and France in World War 1. The fountain is approximately 18 metres in diameter and is in the shape of a hexagon. A bronze Apollo, the central raised figure standing approximately six metres high on a central pedestal, dominates the other mythical figures of Diana, Pan and the Minotaur. St. Mary's Cathedral.  As Australia’s largest Cathedral building, this English-style Gothic revival building constructed of honey-coloured Sydney sandstone, is regarded as the Mother Church for Australian Catholics. AUNZ 20171105 1220 IMG 8206 IMG 8207
We took a tour of the Opera House. It is fantastic 222779346 AUNZ 20171104 1307 Heading up to the top of the bridge. We are hooked on to a cable that runs the entire distance Almost to the top, with the city in the background.  What a beautiful day we had Bill, Francisco on the top of the Harbor Bridge AUSYD Nov072017 0006 Edit MVI 9467
MVI 9467 Our tour group Australian White Ibis.  Sometimes referred to as ‘bin chickens’ or 'trash turkeys', these birds have found a new niche scavenging urban waste, along with a bad rep as pests.  they were all over the city and parks the Quay ("key") the hub of ferry boat service for Sydney.  You buy an Opal Card and use it for public transport everywhere Walking along the Quay you come across water Taxis also Heading out of the harbor one day Leaving the harbor for Manley Beach AUNZ 20171106 1186
On the Ferry to Manley Beach AUNZ 20171106 1194 Opening to the open ocean Prisoners were sent to this island for punishment.  Since in those days most people couldn't swim, they were stuck on the island Arriving at Manly Beach. AUNZ 20171106 1200 a half day trip to Manly Beach These trees were in full bloom on our bus tour to Bondi Beach
Francisco on Our Hop On, Hop Off tour all the way to Bondi Beach AUNZ 20171105 1237 AUNZ 20171105 1257 Dudley Page Reserve overlooking the city, on our return We caught the Ferry to the zoo The Zoo.  You take the Ferry from the Quay, ride the cable car (or walk up) note our friend in the background AUNZ 20171107 1145
On our way to the Blue Mountains, we stopped here Bill feeding an animal (looks like a large rat) Koala Francisco watching this kangaroo eat AUNZ 20171108 1083 AUNZ 20171107 1139 Wombat AUNZ 20171107 1148
AUNZ 20171108 1094 AUNZ 20171108 1088 Tasmanian Devil IMG 8304 IMG 8305 AUNZ 20171108 1101 AUNZ 20171108 1093 AUNZ 20171109 1038
The Blue Mountains Bill and Francisco with the Three Sisters formation in the background We took the tram down into the forest IMG 8312 There was this nice boardwalk through the beautiful forest AUNZ 20171109 1048 cable car AUNZ 20171109 1064
Sydney Tower Eye.  Of course we went up to the top AUNZ 20171105 1271 St. Mary's Cathedral and Hyde Park from the Tower Eye AUNZ 20171105 1272 AUNZ 20171105 1273 looking out toward Manly Beach One evening we took a ferry around the Quay to see the lights Farewell to Sydney, on our way to Cairns