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El Salvador Trip 2006

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La Estrechura I 127-2782_IMG 128-2824_IMG 128-2822_IMG
View of the Laguna de Olomega viewed from the town of La Estrechura, province of San Miguel.
A local fisherwoman, La Estrechura, Laguna de Olomega, San Miguel province.
Bill Woods with the impressive Chaparrastique volcano in the background, La Estrechura, Laguna de Olomega, San Miguel province.
Francisco at the same location as Bill Woods, La Estrechura, Laguna de Olomega, San Miguel province.
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Wild ducks perched on a tree on the island accros La Estrechura, Laguna de Olomega, San Miguel province.
Chaparrastique volcano with Laguna de Olomega in the foreground, San Miguel province.
Sunset on La Estrechura, Laguna de Olomega, San Miguel province.
House we were staying at while in La Estrechura, Laguna de Olomega, San Miguel province.

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