
Bandelier National Monument
Francisco and Bill at the Bandalier entrance Keith, Egidio, Francisco and Bil : Bandelier NM NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt2 Visitor Center and Cafe area
NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt30 NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt4 Tyuonyi Pueblo (Village) below the cliffs BWNMTAOSBandelierNtlMnmt2
Kiva NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt6 Pueblo and Kiva from one of the cliff dwellings NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt12
determined cactus Cliff Dwelling restored NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt10 NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt11
Bill surveys the area NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt14 NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt15 NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt16
pictographs BWNMTAOSBandelierNtlMnmt12 BWNMTAOSBandelierNtlMnmt13 original pictographs protected by a glass window
NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt19 NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt22 NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt26 BWNMTAOSBandelierNtlMnmt5
walking up the trails Inside one of the cliff dwellings Francisco coming down from the cliffs We didn't have any snow problems this day!
Cave and other dwellings alongside BWNMTAOSBandelierNtlMnmt11 Along the river were visible signs of a recent flood NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt21
The Alcove, a dwelling area, is very high up and requires a lot of ladder climbing NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt29 NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt28 Francisco and Egidio heading up the ladders
with Keith next.  Bill stayed on the ground and took pictures! NMTAOSBandelierNatMonmt25 Francisco at the top Francisco and Keith at the top
Egidio, Keith, Francisco...inside The Alcove cave : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail view from The Alcove