
Francisco and Bill emerge from the ocean Futura Beach IMG 9011 BRFORPraiaFuturo1
BRFORPraiaFuturo2 BRFORPraiaFuturo3 BRFORPraiaFuturo4 BRFORAtlantisPraiaFuturo1
BRFORAtlantisPraiaFuturo2 BRFORAtlantisPraiaFuturo4 IMG 9194 IMG 9197
used coconuts (you drink the milk inside) IMG 9210 Francisco IMG 9141
multiple vendors IMG 9155 IMG 8994 Bill, Heliomar, Francisco
Heliomar, Keith, and Egidio Rafa at beach entrance 123112 0408 123112 0412
Egidio and Keith, about to take the plunge before the crowds arrived 122712 0498 122712 0501